JavaScript arrow function related interview questions

In ECMAScript 6 arrow function is the most popular feature among developers. It has good use cases and at the same time has pitfalls. In most, JavaScript-based jobs at least one question from the arrow function is very common.

It’s better to know the core concepts of JavaScript arrow function. Following are some really important questions about JavaScript arrow function:

Why arrow functions are called this-less function?
Why arrow functions are called arguments-less function?
Does the call or apply method available to the arrow function?
Can we bind an object to the arrow function by using the call or apply method?
What happens when we use this inside arrow function?
Explain one case where we should not use the arrow function.
Can the arrow function be used as a constructor?
Does arrow function has the prototype property?
When do we need an explicit return from the arrow function?
What to do for returning an object literal from the arrow function?