Reset form fields, set of fields using jQuery

Use case:

Let say we have a form and for a case, we need to reset it. In jQuery we can very easily do it by using following line:


But in a case, we have a form that has multiple fields. We need some fo the fields to be reset but other fields should not be reset in the form.

Generic reset field function

We can very easily write a function and expose that to jQuery prototype. Following is the function:

$.fn.resetFields = function(){
    $(this).find(':input').not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden').val('').prop('checked', false).prop('selected', false);

What does the function do?

This resetFields function can be called on any DOM element. It will simply look for the input element inside that DOM element and reset it. It will not reset the hidden, submit fields.

When we call $(‘form’)[0].reset() method from jQuery it runs similar methods behind the scene.

How to call the function?

$('.selector').resetFields() // Here selector is the fields wrapper element