What is DNA Fingerprint or DNA Test?

DNA Test

The full form of DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. One of the most scientific methods of DNA testing is DNA fingerprinting.

The structure of the DNA of every human being is different from that of any other human being.

The structure of DNA gives a person all its characteristics. For example, what will be the color of his eyes, what will be the height, what will be the color of his hair, and even hereditary diseases are spread from generation to generation through DNA.

The DNA fingerprint method compares the DNA of one person’s cell with the DNA of another person’s cell. Specific identification is recorded if the DNA patterns of the two individuals match.

In this way, the paternity and motherhood of the child can be determined, and the culprit can also be identified.

DNA usage

DNA fingerprint or DNA test is a very effective method to confirm paternity. If there is 99.99% similarity through DNA fingerprint then paternity is identified.
It is known that a DNA fingerprint or DNA test method is used to identify the dead body.
The DNA fingerprint or DNA test method is used to identify the real mother, father, and child when the newborn is transferred to the hospital.
The DNA fingerprint or DNA test method is used to identify the real parents of a missing child, living or dead.
In cases of rape, a DNA fingerprint or DNA test method is used to identify the rapist.
Any criminal can be identified through a DNA fingerprint or DNA test.
Family members can identify someone who was lost many years ago through DNA fingerprints or DNA tests.
DNA fingerprint or DNA test is most commonly used in forensic science. DNA samples are usually collected from the crime scene.
DNA fingerprints or DNA tests are used to diagnose various hereditary diseases of the newborn, such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Alzheimer’s, thalassemia, and many more.
AIDS is diagnosed through DNA fingerprints or DNA tests.
Also nowadays office, home door lock, mobile phone lock DNA fingerprint or DNA test is widely used.