Sapodilla (sapote) provides quick energy to the body, relieves constipation and is good for nerve health.

Mango, blackberry and jackfruit are followed by Sapodilla. Many will say why litchi apples are Sapodilla (sapote) to have grapes. Some people will say again, but I do not eat Sapodilla. Maybe not everyone likes it but I will keep it after mango, blackberry, jackfruit.

Because the nutritional value and smell of Sapodilla mango is no less than that of blackberry and jackfruit. Why am I talking only about the smell and the taste is not less in any part.

The ripe white is so sweet that there is no hesitation in comparing it with rasgolla. It is very interesting to see the fun Sapodilla fruit of Rose Taitumbur. The scientific name of white is Manilkara zapota.

A bunch of green leaves with brown fruit in the middle. In the Virgin Islands, white is called ‘mispel’, in Honduras, in Brazil it is called ‘sapoti’, in the Philippines it is called ‘chico’, in India it is called ‘chiku’ or ‘chikku’. In Bangladesh and Eastern India its name is “sobeda / sofeda”.

Sapodilla summer fruits are more or less available throughout the year. Sapodilla contains many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants which are extremely beneficial for our body.

Sapodilla Nutrition

Below are some important nutritional benefits of Sapodilla –

  • Calories: 348
  • Water: 8%
  • Carbohydrates: 15%
  • Fiber: 14%
  • Folate: 4%
  • Pentothenic acid: 8%
  • Thiamine: 5%
  • Vitamin “A”: 2%
  • Vitamin “C”: 24.5%

The benefits of Sapodilla

Sapodilla has many health benefits as well as beauty benefits. The health benefits of white are given below –

Relieves constipation:

Sapodilla is a high fiber rich fruit. The fiber in it is good for digestion and health. Also Sapodilla helps in relieving indigestion and constipation. Boiling in half-ripe Sapodilla water and taking out the streaks is good for diarrhea.

Good for the eyes:

A Sapodilla eye doctor can keep you away during the day. It contains vitamin “A”. Vitamin A keeps our eyes healthy and helps improve vision even in old age. So, to keep good eyesight, you must try to eat Sapodilla every day.

Power Supplier:

Sapodilla contains natural fructose and sucrose. Which can provide instant energy to our body. Athletes in particular need a lot of energy. Athletes are therefore advised to keep Sapodilla in their daily food list.

Sources of antioxidants:

In addition to dietary fiber, vitamins “A”, “B” and “C”, Sapodilla also contains anti-oxidants . So it can prevent certain types of cancer like oral cavity cancer.

Eliminates insomnia:

It calms the nerves and has the ability to relieve stress. Many doctors recommend eating Sapodilla fruit for people suffering from insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It relieves insomnia, anxiety and depression.

Beauty Benefits:

Regular whitening helps to remove toxins from the body. Sapodilla contains vitamins “A” and “C” which help to make the skin beautiful and radiant. Sapodilla is known as a ‘happy’ food.

It helps to produce collagen and helps to eliminate skin wrinkles. Sapodilla fruit seeds have many medicinal properties. Sapodilla seed oil is very effective in eliminating any kind of skin infection. Sapodilla fruit acts as an ointment for the skin.


If you are suffering from a complex disease or for any other reason go through a regular medical course, you must consult your doctor before eating.
