Keyword “this” is immutable in JavaScript

“this” is immutable

this is a special object in JavaScript. It is entirely dependent on which context a code is executed. The value of the keyword this varies based on the execution context. this keyword value is set when the program enters the context. It is impossible to reassign this with another object.

As this is not a variable but a special object in JavaScript, any attempt to assign an object to this will throw a ReferenceError. Let’s consider the following example:

var myschoolObj = {name: "Jefferson Smith"};
var myObj = {
    name: "Jef",
    getName: function () {

Attempt to reassign “this” at runtime

var myschoolObj = {name: "Jefferson Smith"};
var myObj = {
    name: "Jef",
    getName: function () {
        this = myschoolObj;
// Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment

Change “this” binding with a call or apply

var myschoolObj = {name: "Jefferson Smith"};
var myObj = {
    name: "Jef",
    getName: function () {