How to become a great leader?

Becoming a great leader requires a combination of personal qualities, skills, and continuous development. Here are some fundamental principles and steps you can follow to enhance your leadership abilities:

Develop self-awareness:

Understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. Reflect on your behavior and its impact on others. Self-awareness is crucial for effective leadership.

Set a compelling vision:

Define a clear and inspiring vision that aligns with your values and goals. Communicate this vision to your team to create a shared sense of purpose and direction.

Lead by example:

Act as a role model for your team. Demonstrate integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all your actions. When you exemplify the qualities you expect from others, you inspire them to follow suit.

Build strong relationships:

Develop positive relationships with your team members. Listen actively, show empathy, and demonstrate genuine care and concern. Foster an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Communicate effectively:

Effective communication is vital for successful leadership. Clearly articulate your expectations, provide constructive feedback, and actively listen to your team’s ideas and concerns. Adapt your communication style to different situations and individuals.

Delegate and empower:

Trust your team members with responsibilities and delegate tasks based on their strengths. Empower them to make decisions and take ownership of their work. Provide guidance and support when needed, but also give them room to grow and learn.

Foster teamwork and collaboration:

Encourage collaboration and create opportunities for team members to work together. Promote a culture of trust, cooperation, and open dialogue. Recognize and appreciate the contributions of individuals and the team as a whole.

Continuously learn and improve:

Leadership is a lifelong journey of growth and development. Seek opportunities for learning and self-improvement. Read books, attend seminars, and seek feedback from mentors or trusted advisors. Embrace challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Adapt to change:

In today’s dynamic world, leaders need to be adaptable and agile. Embrace change and encourage your team to do the same. Stay open-minded, embrace new ideas, and be willing to adjust your plans and strategies when necessary.

Inspire and motivate:

Great leaders inspire and motivate their teams to achieve their best. Recognize and celebrate achievements, provide constructive encouragement, and offer support during challenging times. Create a positive and motivating work environment.


Remember, leadership is not about controlling or commanding others but about inspiring and empowering them to reach their full potential. It takes time, practice, and continuous effort to become a great leader, so be patient and committed to your growth as a leader.


How should a leader interact when things are wrong?

Instead of saying this is wrong or that is wrong to a person, a leader should say a positive thing about the person and add the wrong part as an improvement.

For example “Your last report was really impressive and this one is also looking fine but if we could improve this part or that part together would make the report more valuable”

The leader makes good work visible

In our work environment, it is always the bad work that gets discussed and focused on. If we do five tasks good and one task bad. People usually talk about the bad ones and judge based on the bad ones.

A leader does the opposite. Leaders should emphasize the good ones and focus more on them to inspire people.

The leader should inspire others to become a leader

A true leader is always willing to take risks

A true leader is self-disciplined and not worried about proving himself