How potassium lowers blood pressure? Potassium rich foods.

One of the causes of high blood pressure is to eat more salt or sodium and eat less potassium or potassium-rich foods. If you are like most unconscious one, you probably don’t get enough potassium in your diet.

As the number of high blood pressure patients increases day by day, it is very important to have good knowledge about it.

Because long-term high blood pressure can lead to stroke, coronary heart disease, and renal failure or kidney damage.

Like calcium and sodium, potassium is a mineral found in some foods. Having the right amount of potassium in your diet helps keep you healthy, so eating plenty of potassium-rich foods is crucial.

Potassium-rich foods are important in managing hypertension (HBP or hypertension) because potassium reduces the effects of sodium.

The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you will lose through your urine. Potassium helps reduce tension in your blood vessel walls, which in turn helps lower blood pressure.

Elderly people should be advised to increase potassium through diet or those who suffer from blood pressure problems of more than 120/80.

Patients with kidney disease should be very careful when taking potassium-rich foods or potassium supplements. Excess potassium is fatally harmful for kidney patients.

Potassium and your diet:

The recommended daily intake of potassium for adults is 4700 mg daily.

Many components of the diet – fruits, vegetables, fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) dairy foods and fish – are readily available natural sources of potassium. For example, a medium banana contains about 420 mg of potassium and a half cup of plain mashed sweet potato contains 475 mg.

Other potassium-rich foods include:

Potassium is the most common intracellular ion and its role in controlling blood pressure is well established. Potassium-rich dietary supplements can lower BP in normal and hypertensive patients.

How harmful is too much potassium?

Whatever you eat, eat in moderation. Understand the condition of your body. Nothing extra is good. Eat according to your doctor’s advice.

A diet low in sodium and full of potassium, calcium, and magnesium is now being recommended as a standard lifestyle change for patients with high blood pressure or other cardiovascular risks.

You should get 4700 mg daily. Most people do not meet this goal.

Some people with kidney disease should get less potassium than the 4700 mg guideline. If your kidneys are not working well, you may have too much potassium in your body, which can cause nerve and muscle problems.

If you have kidney disease and your doctor has not already told you what your potassium limit is, ask about it.

Often, like high blood pressure, problems can be caused by high potassium (hyperkalemia). Feeling sick in your stomach, a weak or irregular pulse with high levels of potassium and the patient may suddenly become unconscious.
