How Jenkins X works with Kubernetes using PROW and Tekton?

Jenkins X is an automated CD+CI tool build to work with Kubernetes. It uses PROW component for CD/CI that Kubernetes uses.

What happens when we create a quickstart using Jenkins X?

Once you have chosen the project to create and given it a name the following is automated for you:

creates a new application from the quickstart in a sub directory
add your source code into a git repository
create a remote git repository on a git service, such as GitHub
push your code to the remote git service
adds default files:

  • Dockerfile to build your application as a docker image
  • Jenkinsfile to implement the CI / CD pipeline
  • Helm chart to run your application inside Kubernetes
if you are using Jenkins X Pipelines and tekton then:

  • a webhook is registered on the remote git repository which triggers prow/lighthouse to trigger a tekton pipeline
  • add the repository to the prow configuration
if you are using a Jenkins Server then:

  • a webhook is registered on the remote git repository which triggers a pipeline in Jenkins
  • create a multi-branch project in your Jenkins server
trigger the first pipeline

JenkinsX flowchart?

promotion jenkinsx
