Health benefits of Saffron

Saffron, we all probably know more or less. When saffron is used in any food, the taste, and color of that food increase a lot. Saffron not only enhances the taste and color of food. It has many more health benefits.

But saffron is so expensive that it cannot be used by everyone. But using a small amount of saffron has its benefits.

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Saffron (English: saffron, Autumn crocus), (scientific name: Crocus sativus) is a flowering plant species of the genus Crocus. Most of them are born in Kashmir, India. And it was first cultivated in Greece.

What is saffron?

Saffron flower

Saffron is made by drying the flower stigmas of a plant called Crocus Sativa. It is mainly produced in Iran, India, and some parts of Greece. Many people think that the origin of saffron in Iran.

Again, according to many historians, Spain is the homeland of saffron. India ranks third in the world in saffron production.

Earlier it was cultivated only in Jammu and Kashmir, now it is also cultivated in Himachal Pradesh. Its seedlings are planted in August and flowered in October-November.

It takes 15,000-18,000 flowers to make 1 kg of saffron spice, which means about 150-160 flowers to make 1 gram of dried saffron. Saffron is also called “red gold”.

saffron blue flower

It takes 360-460 hours to make 1 kg saffron. This is why saffron is so expensive.

Benefits of Saffron

Let’s find out now about the health benefits of saffron-

Rich in antioxidants:

Saffron contains an impressive plant compound that acts as an antioxidant. Crocin and crostin are the carotenoids in saffron that are responsible for the red color of saffron.

These compounds can protect brain cells from damage, improve inflammation, and help reduce appetite and weight loss.

saffron red

Reduces the risk of cancer:

Saffron helps prevent difficult diseases like cancer. It contains a type of carotene called crocin. It helps to destroy different types of cancer cells in our body, such as leukemia, ovarian carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma, etc.

In test-tube studies, saffron can kill colon cancer cells or reduce their growth. Can fight skin, prostate, lung, breast, uterine, and several other cancers.

Test-tube studies have shown that crocin saffron, the main antioxidant, can make cancer cells more susceptible to chemotherapy drugs.

saffron which provides

May lose weight:

According to research, saffron can help curb your appetite. In an eight-week study, women who took saffron supplements lost significant weight.

However, scientists are unsure how saffron suppresses appetite and helps with weight loss.

Reduces pain:

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients of saffron helps to relieve arthritis pain, joint pain, muscle aches. It is also very useful in overcoming physical weakness.

saffron with flower

Relieves insomnia:

Many people suffer from this problem. In that case, you can use saffron. Eat a glass of hot milk mixed with a little saffron before going to bed at night, you will see that sleep will be better.

Builds good brain health:

Saffron helps prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Protects the central nervous system from oxidative stress. Saffron helps the brain to relax as well as keep stress and depression-free.

Saffron bloom

Maintains good heart health:

Saffron is rich in thiamine and riboflavin which help keep the heart-healthy. In addition, saffron contains antioxidants that help maintain healthy arteries and blood vessels.

Good for skin:

You can use saffron regularly to get beautiful skin. It brightens the skin, moisturizes the skin, helps to clear the complexion. However, overdose can have a bad effect on the skin.

Delayed puberty:

Saffron plays an important role in regular menstruation. In this case, a pinch of saffron powder mixed with a tablespoon of milk activates the hormones and the desired result is obtained.

Among women aged 20-45, taking 30 mg of saffron daily was more effective in reducing menstrual symptoms.

saffron crocus patch

Delicious food:

A pair of saffron matches the weight to make the food fragrant and delicious. Saffron also makes the food attractive and colorful. The glittering color of saffron attracts people to food.

Can improve mood:

Saffron has been nicknamed “the spice of the sun”. It can help brighten your mood. In a review of five studies, saffron was significantly effective in treating mild to moderate depression symptoms.


This high-quality spice saffron should not be eaten in excess. If you suffer from a complex disease or go through a regular medical course for any other reason, you must consult your doctor before eating. In case of pregnancy, women should consult a doctor before taking it.
