Health benefits of eating shrimp

Shrimp is a very tasty and popular fish. This delicious fish has thousands of fun items like shrimp korma, shrimp biryani, shrimp with gourd, shrimp with kanchu mukhi, pui shrimp pakora, curd shrimp, shrimp onion, shrimp chop, shrimp malaikari, etc.

The scientific name of shrimp is Caridea.

Shrimp or insects?

Insects are those we know as cockroaches, beetles, grasshoppers or scorpions are arthropods. The position of the shrimp is not with these insects. Shrimp (lobsters, lobsters, crabs) are invertebrates of the class Malacotraca in the arthropods.

Is shrimp eaten just for taste? There is no benefit! There are benefits. Shrimp has an impressive nutritional profile.

Shrimp is one of the best sources of iodine, an important mineral that many people are deficient in. Iodine is needed for thyroid function and brain health.

In addition to the antioxidants astaxanthin in shrimp, it is a good source of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which have a variety of health benefits.

It is low in calories and has no carbs. About 90% of the calories in shrimp come from protein and the rest from fat. Shrimp can meet 50% of the daily requirement of selenium which helps reduce inflammation and reduce heart disease.

Nutrients of shrimp

  • Calories: 84
  • Protein: 18 grams
  • Selenium: 48%
  • Vitamin B-12: 21%
  • Iron: 15%
  • Copper: 9%
  • Magnesium: 7%

Benefits of Shrimp

Shrimp contains 12% phosphorus and 11% niacin. The health benefits of shrimp are discussed below –

High Cholesterol:

Shrimp are often considered bad for their high cholesterol content. 65 grams of shrimp contains 18 milligrams of cholesterol. Which is 75% more than other marine fish. Shrimp raises blood cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease.

However, research shows that this may not be the case for most people. This is because most of the cholesterol in the blood is produced by your liver and when you eat foods high in cholesterol, the liver produces less.

One study found that adults who ate 300 grams of shrimp a day had a 12% increase in their “good” HDL cholesterol levels and a 13% decrease in their triglycerides. Both of these reduce the risk of heart disease.

Contains antioxidants:

Shrimp contains an antioxidant called astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is an ingredient in algae that shrimp eat. For this reason, shrimp are the main source of astaxanthin. Astaxanthin can help protect against inflammation by preventing free radicals from damaging cells. Can reduce the risk of several chronic diseases.

Many studies have shown that astaxanthin helps strengthen arteries which can reduce the risk of a heart attack. It can help raise “good” HDL cholesterol levels.

Good for the brain:

Astaxanthin in shrimp is good for brain health. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent damage to brain cells. Which often leads to memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer.

Eliminates iron deficiency:

Every 100 grams of shrimp contains 15% iron. Regular consumption of shrimp eliminates iron deficiency in our body. Lack of iron often weakens our body.

These shrimps can easily eliminate iron deficiency in our body. Shrimp can also eliminate anemia by increasing hemoglobin or blood cells in our body.

Improve thyroid problems:

Copper is very important to keep healthy bones and nerves healthy. Copper can also help prevent cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Shrimp contains 9% copper. Shrimp enhances thyroid gland function and helps maintain thyroid hormone levels.

Diabetes control:

Shrimp contains 8% magnesium. Studies show that magnesium can protect against type 2 diabetes. It also helps to control blood sugar levels.

Many people are allergic to shrimp

Many people are allergic to foods such as shrimp, peanuts, nuts, wheat, milk, etc. Shrimp is allergic because it contains tropomosine. Tropomosine is a protein. So those who are allergic should not eat shrimp.


If you suffer from a complex disease or go through a regular medical course for any other reason, you must consult your doctor before eating.
