Health benefits of drinking coffee

A cup of hot coffee in the morning will not only brighten your morning, but it can also brighten your life. Coffee has many benefits. Coffee is a very popular beverage in America and Europe.

History of coffee:

Coffee consumption began in Yemen in the 1500s. The image of a cafe in Paris or a Roman espresso bar is often seen as evidence of the first coffee drinkers sitting down to have coffee.

The top three coffee-drinking countries in the world are Finland, Norway, and Iceland. Also Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, America, Canada, Australia are the leading coffee drinking countries.

Coffee popularity:

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with billions of cups consumed daily.

Made from coffee beans, it is a drink that nearly half of adults in the United States enjoy as a way to wake up in the morning, stay awake during the day, or stay awake late at night.

America spends about 40 billion a year on coffee. However, the residents of Finland and Norway drink the most coffee. They are number one in the rankings. But the Netherlands and Slovenia are not far behind.

In the next decade, global demand will grow by another 40-50 million bags of coffee, more than Brazil’s full annual production.

Due to the current threat of coffee crops along with climate change, the world is likely to face severe coffee shortages.

The benefits of drinking coffee

Recent research has shown that coffee helps reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes, skin cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, and various other cancers.

Studies have shown that coffee beans can actually provide a number of positive health benefits. The benefits of coffee are discussed below:

It is a source of useful antioxidants:

The antioxidant compounds in coffee include caffeic acid, caffeine, chlorogenic acid, eugenol, gamma-tocopherol, isogenol, p-kumaric acid, scoplatin and tannic acid. In fact, coffee is the primary source of beneficial antioxidants.


Coffee reduces the risk of diabetes:

Health and nutrition experts around the world have suggested that there is a link between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of diabetes.

It has recently been shown that drinking every cup of coffee reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 8%. Also, scientific studies have indicated that coffee users have a 50% lower risk of developing diabetes than soft drinkers or non-drinkers.

Researchers at Harvard University conducted a study on 100,000 people over a 20-year period where they drank coffee and tried to find a link to the risk of type-2 diabetes.

They found that those who increased their coffee consumption by 1 cup had an 11% lower risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

Reducing the risk of heart disease:

One of the more amazing benefits of coffee is with our heart disease. Although coffee temporarily raises one’s blood pressure, drinking two cups a day reduces certain cardiovascular problems, such as heart disease, and reduces the risk of stroke.

A groundbreaking Dutch study analyzing data from more than 37,000 people over a 13-year period found that regular coffee drinkers (who drank two to four cups a day) had a 20% lower risk of heart disease than those who drank little or no coffee at all.

Can help control certain cancers:

Recent studies have shown that it can help reduce the risk of various cancers, not just skin cancer.

May reduce the risk of both liver and prostate cancer. Men who drink coffee may have a lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer.

Also, new research from the Harvard School of Public Health found that drinking less than one cup of coffee a day reduced the risk of endometrial cancer by 25% in women who drank four or more cups of coffee a day.

Researchers also found a link between regular coffee drinking and lower rates of liver, colon, breast, and rectal cancers.

According to a report in the Lancet Oncology Journal, the World Health Organization’s “International Agency for Research on Cancer” has formed a team of 23 international scientists.

They conducted more than 1,000 studies and found that drinking coffee did not cause cancer but reduced the risk of liver cancer and uterine cancer.

coffee beans

Increases longevity and improves memory :

Drinking caffeinated coffee helps increase our life expectancy. Studies conducted by both AARP and the National Cancer Institute have shown that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of premature death in women and men.

Older people who are accustomed to drinking coffee regularly are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

One study found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day in middle-age reduced the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 65% in old age.

Risks of drinking coffee:

There are some health risks besides the benefits of coffee. Below are some of the health risks of coffee:

  • Coffee and sleep problems for children:

    One study found that children aged 5-6 years went to bed late as a result of caffeine intake. Caffeine is a stimulant that everyone knows so we drink coffee to relieve fatigue. However, drinking coffee at the end of the day can make you stay up all night. One study found that drinking coffee 6 hours before bedtime reduced sleep by an hour.

  • Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness:

    Coffee contains a lot of caffeine. Just one cup of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine which is enough to keep you awake in the morning. Coffee addicts can have the same psychological problems as drug addicts.

  • Coffee can damage bones:

    At various times some reports say that those who drink too much coffee have weak bones. So many doctors and scientists think that caffeine has a negative effect on the body’s ability to absorb calcium. However, there is no working evidence for this. So scientists think it could be because coffee drinkers may not be eating enough calcium. If you drink too much coffee, you should take calcium-rich foods like milk, almonds, mango, broccoli.

  • Bad coffee can be toxic:

    Don’t drink bad quality coffee or expired coffee.

  • If you are pregnant, do not drink more than one cup a day:

    Research on the effects of coffee on a fetus has been controversial, but one thing is for sure: if you drink coffee while pregnant, caffeine will also reach the fetus and your baby will be very sensitive to caffeine.