Health benefits of Coriander

Coriander is a widely used and very important spice in cooking. In addition to its use as a popular spice in the kitchen, coriander seeds are also known for their medicinal properties.

Coriander is a medicinal spice that is used in all kinds of international food due to its quality.

It has medicinal properties as well as a beautiful scent. However, if coriander fried with oil, its aroma decreases. So in most cases, this spice is given in cooking in the raw state.

Coriander is very useful for improving digestive energy, nausea, any stomach problems including intestinal gas.

It is used for measles, hemorrhoids, toothache, worms, and joint pain, as well as bacterial and fungal infections.

The scientific name of coriander of Coriandrum sativum in English. It is known to have originated from Southern Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. In Ayurveda, it is often recommended for stomach related ailments.

Health benefits of coriander

The benefits of coriander are given below –

To lower blood sugar levels:

High blood sugar increases the risk of type-2 diabetes. So it is very important to keep our blood sugar levels right.

In this case, coriander and coriander oil can help lower blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that coriander seed extract lowers blood sugar and helps increase insulin secretion.

Increases immunity:

Coriander contains a few antioxidants that can boost our body’s immune system. As well as these antioxidants can prevent cellular damage due to free radicals.

According to test-tube and animal studies, these compounds include terpenin, choresetin, and tocopherols, which may have anticancer, immunosuppressive, and neuroprotective effects.

A test-tube study found that the antioxidants in coriander reduce inflammation, slowing the growth of lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer cells.

Good for heart health:

Some test-tube studies suggest that coriander can reduce the risk of heart diseases, such as high blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Which can lower blood pressure.

Digestive is good for health:

Coriander can eliminate digestive problems. A 6-week study of 32 people with inflammatory bowel syndrome found that taking 30 drops of a coriander herb three times a day relieved abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort.

So those who suffer from indigestion should start eating coriander seeds with food or directly.

Can fight infection:

Coriander contains antimicrobial compounds that can help fight certain infections and foodborne illness. coriander fights bacteria like Salmonella which can cause deadly food poisoning.

A test-tube study found that coriander could fight the bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections.

Can protect skin:

There can be several benefits to the skin, including mild rashes like coriander dermatitis.

According to a study done by Ayurveda, coriander has antiseptic properties and is very effective in curing various skin ailments like eczema, itchy skin, rashes, and inflammation.

They are also known to cure mouth ulcers and sores.

Arthritis and rheumatic diseases prevention:

Coriander has linoleic acid, seniol, anti-arthritic and anti-rheumatic properties. So regular drinking of coriander soaked water reduces joint inflammation, pain, and swelling.

Soak a whole teaspoon in a glass of water overnight. Get up in the morning, strain the water, and drink it.

Prevents cold and flu:

Coriander is great for reducing colds and flu. It increases the production of collagen which somehow heals wounds, heals tissues, and prevents common colds and flu.

In addition, the vitamin “C” present in coriander keeps the body healthy.


If you are suffering from a complex disease or for any other reason go through a regular medical course, you must consult your doctor before eating.

Source: Health Line, Times of India