Health and Nutrition Benefits of Chickpeas

Many people have the habit of eating chickpea in the morning. Chickpea is well known as a healthy and beneficial food.

It increases our strength and keeps our stomach full for a long time. But sprouts chickpeas are more healthy.

Chickpea is a very nutritious and a good source of protein. The amount of protein in chickpea is approximately equal to the amount of protein in meat or fish.

Chickpea can be consumed in various ways, such as chickpea with curry, chickpea fry, cooked chickpea, etc. The Glycemic index of chickpea is very low. It takes a long time to digest.

So it is good for diabetics patients. Chickpea helps improve digestion, maintain weight, and reduce the risk of various diseases. Chickpea is high in protein so it can meet the demand for meat in vegetarian food.

There are several types of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, and phosphorus in the chickpea. Ayurveda has also been told about the benefits of chickpea.

Nourishing Ingredients

It has an attractive nutrition profile. The 28-gram chickpea contains 46 calories. About 67% of these calories come from carbohydrates, the rest is from protein and a small amount of fat. There are several types of nutrients in the chickpea. Here are the following:

  • Calories: 46
  • Carbs: 8 g
  • Fiber: 2 g
  • Protein: 3 g
  • Folate: 12% (RDI)
  • Iron: 4% (RDI)
  • Phosphorus: 5% (RDI)
  • Zink: 5% (RDI)
  • Manganese: 14% (RDI)

Health benefits of chickpea

The habit of eating chickpea on an empty stomach every morning is very good for health. The health benefits of chickpea are discussed below:

Helps to keep the weight under control:

There are several ingredients to chickpea that help with weight control. First, it is low in calories. This means fewer calories than the number of nutrients in the chickpea.

People who eat a lot of high-calorie foods lose weight less than those who eat low-calorie foods. High protein and fiber of chickpea help reduce calorie intake, so the weight gets under control.

One study found that people who regularly ate chickpea were 53% less likely to become obese.

Helps to control hunger:

The source of protein and fiber can control hunger. Protein and fiber together slow down the digestion process, which helps to fill the stomach.

In addition, protein can increase the levels of hormones in the body to decrease appetite.

One study compared hunger and calorie intake among 12 women. The study found that one ate a cup (200 grams) of chickpea before eating and another ate two slices of white bread.

Compared to the white bread, the one who ate the chickpea had less appetite and fewer calorie intake.

Control blood sugar level:

First, the glycemic index is low in chickpea. The Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly blood sugar increases after eating.

Many low-glycemic index foods can maintain blood sugar levels. Second, there is a large amount of fiber and protein in the chickpea. Both play a role in the regulation of blood sugar.

Because fiber slows down the absorption of carbs (sugars), which gradually increases blood sugar levels. Eating a protein-rich diet helps to maintain blood sugar levels in people with type-2 diabetes.

A survey of 19 people found that those who consumed 200 grams of chickpea had a 21% reduction in blood sugar levels.

Good for digestion:

There is some evidence that chickpea is good for digestion. The fiber in chickpea is mostly soluble, which means it is mixed with water and made into a gel during digestion.

Soluble fiber can increase the number of healthy bacteria in the gut and prevent the growth of unhealthy bacteria. It can reduce the risk of digestive problems, such as bowel syndrome and colon cancer.

A study of 42 people found that those who consumed 104 grams of chickpeas daily for 12 weeks improved their digestion process significantly.

Good for the Heart:

Chickpea is a great source of magnesium and potassium. It can help prevent high blood pressure. The soluble fiber that is absorbed helps reduce triglyceride and “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels.

In a 12-week survey of 45 people who consumed 728 grams of chickpea per week, total cholesterol levels decreased by about 16 mg / dL.

It is very healthy to eat chickpea. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. Incorporating chickpea on a regular diet can help us maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.


If you are suffering from a complex disease or undergoing a regular medical course for some other reasons, you should definitely consult your doctor before eating chickpea.