IELTS speaking tips and tricks for students
- As you speak please elaborate your answer not just say yes or no. Even if you say yes please add a sentence to support it
- It is okay to be off topic as long as you are speaking and able to connect with the topic at the end
- In the section where you will have to speak about 2 minutes, please try to make up stories of in the past, present and future of the same topic
- Speak with fluency and try to use different words to show off your vocabulary
- In the section where you will have to speak about 2 minutes, please try to make up stories in the past, present and future of the same topic
- Be formal, polite and try to give full answer
- Speak with enthusiasm and it is oaky to use contraction while speaking
IELTS writing task 2 tips
IELTS reading tips
IELTS general writing task 1 tips
IELTS listening tips