7Timer! | Weather forecasts | http://www.7timer.info/bin/api.pl?lon=113.17&lat=23.09&product=astro&output=json |
Agify.io | Predict age based on a name | https://api.agify.io?name=bella |
Archive.org | Large public digital archive | https://archive.org/metadata/TheAdventuresOfTomSawyer_201303 |
Binance | 24 hr crypto data | https://api2.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/24hr |
Bored | Activity suggestions | https://www.boredapi.com/api/activity |
Cocktail Database | Cocktail recipes | https://www.thecocktaildb.com/api/json/v1/1/search.php?s=margarita |
CoinBase | Currency codes and names | https://api.coinbase.com/v2/currencies |
CoinDesk | Bitcoin price index | https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json |
CoinGecko | Exchange rates | https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/exchange_rates |
CoinMap | Crypto ATMs | https://coinmap.org/api/v1/venues/ |
Coinpaprika | Cryptocurrency data | https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/coins/btc-bitcoin |
CryptingUp | Cryptocurrency data | https://www.cryptingup.com/api/markets |
Data USA | US public data | https://datausa.io/api/data?drilldowns=Nation&measures=Population |
Dogs | Random dog images | https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random |
ExchangeRate-API | Exchange rates | https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD |
FreeGeoIP | GeoIP info | https://freegeoip.app/json/ |
Genderize.io | Predict gender based on a name | https://api.genderize.io?name=scott |
HTTP Cats | Cat images for HTTP status codes | https://http.cat/401 |
HTTPBin | Inspect your user agent and headers | http://httpbin.org/get |
Image-Charts | Chart images | https://image-charts.com/chart?cht=p3&chs=700×100&chd=t:60,40&chl=Hello|World&chan&chf=ps0-0,lg,45,ffeb3b,0.2,f44336,1|ps0-1,lg,45,8bc34a,0.2,009688,1 |
Imgflip | Popular memes | https://api.imgflip.com/get_memes |
IP 2 Country | Get country for IP address | https://api.ip2country.info/ip? |
IP Fast | Get your public IP address | https://ip-fast.com/api/ip/ |
IPify | Get your public IP address | https://api.ipify.org?format=json |
iTunes Search | iTunes and Apple Book Store content | https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=radiohead |
Jikan | Unofficial MyAnimeList API | https://api.jikan.moe/v3/search/anime?q=naruto |
JokeAPI | https://v2.jokeapi.dev/joke/Any |
Kraken | Crypto data | https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Trades?pair=ltcusd |
KuCoin | Crypto data | https://api.kucoin.com/api/v1/market/stats?symbol=BTC-USDT |
Listly | Top 10 lists | https://list.ly/api/v4/meta?url=http://google.com |
Makeup | Makeup brands and product info | http://makeup-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/products.json?brand=maybelline |
MusicBrainz | Music data | http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/5b11f4ce-a62d-471e-81fc-a69a8278c7da?fmt=json |
Nager.Date | Public holidays | https://date.nager.at/api/v2/publicholidays/2020/US |
Nationalize.io | Predict nationality based on a name | https://api.nationalize.io?name=michael |
Oddsmagnet | Get odds history from bookmakers | https://data.oddsmagnet.com/history/2021/football/england-premier-league/brentford-v-arsenal/win-market.json |
Open Library | Information about books | http://openlibrary.org/api/volumes/brief/isbn/9780525440987.json |
openFDA | Product recalls from the FDA | https://api.fda.gov/food/enforcement.json?limit=10 |
Pixel Encounter | SVG Monsters | https://app.pixelencounter.com/api/basic/monsters/random |
Placekitten | Placeholder kitten images | http://placekitten.com/200/300 |
Public APIs | List public APIs | https://api.publicapis.org/entries |
PunkAPI | Beer recipes | https://api.punkapi.com/v2/beers |
Random Dogs | Random dog images | https://random.dog/woof.json |
RandomUser | Fake user data generator | https://randomuser.me/api/ |
Shrtcode | URL Shortener | https://api.shrtco.de/v2/shorten?url=example.org/very/long/link.html |
Teleport | Location and quality of life data | https://api.teleport.org/api/urban_areas/teleport%3A9q8yy/scores/ |