Foods that increase digestion.

In words, the stomach is right, and the world is right. So if you want to keep the stomach right, the digestive power must be right. Just as it is important to eat regularly, it is also important to digest that food.

When digestion is reduced, there is a lack of nutrition in the body. And if there is a lack of nutrition, various diseases can occur in our body.

We all feel indigestion at times. Such as gas, loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, or diarrhea. However, when these symptoms occur frequently, they can cause major problems in our lives.

We can strengthen our digestive system by taking a few healthy steps to improve digestion. These steps include exercising, drinking enough water, and eating a variety of foods such as beets, cabbage, dark green vegetables, whole grains, etc. These are discussed below –

Adequate water:

Water plays an important role in digestion. Drink plenty of water to maintain proper digestion.

Drinking less water is a common cause of constipation. Water is good for our digestive health.

Therefore, experts recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day to prevent constipation.

Green vegetables:

Dark green vegetables are a great source of fiber. Fiber increases the amount of our stool.

Also green vegetables are a good source of magnesium, which can relieve constipation by improving muscle contraction in our gastrointestinal tract.

A 2016 study found that green vegetables contain a beneficial sugar, which promotes good bacteria in our gut.

This sugar helps in digestion as well as weakens some bad bacteria. Dark green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, etc.


It’s a little surprising to hear that pepper helps us increase our digestive power. Chili dietary fiber is much more effective in improving digestion.

It is possible to get rid of digestive problems naturally by eating a moderate amount of salt in food.

Moreover, it is possible to get great benefits in digestion if you can eat something a little sour after eating every day.

Whole grain:

Fiber from whole grains helps improve digestion in two ways. First, fiber can increase your stool volume and reduce constipation.

Second, some cereal fibers act like prebiotics and affect the healthy bacteria in our gut.


This winter vegetable helps to improve digestion. If we want to improve our digestive health, we can eat fiber-rich cabbage.

These shredded vegetables are full of insoluble fiber, which cannot break down our gut completely.

This insoluble fiber combines with feces to keep our intestines normal and help keep the digestive system healthy.


Beet is a winter vegetable. Which is much more beneficial for our health. These vegetables contain betacyanin, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

It also contains Vitamin B3, B6 and Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene. Beet is a good source of fiber. One cup of beet contains 3.4 grams of fiber.

Fiber increases digestion and helps keep the digestive system healthy.


Ginger has been used since ancient times to increase digestion. Ginger helps the body eliminate toxins or toxins.

From the point of view of digestion, it eliminates gastric. Ginger reduces the risk of gas, nausea and stomach discomfort by quickly moving food from our stomach to the small intestine.

Extract contains ‘gingerols’ which increase digestion and speed up digestion. A cup of ginger tea in the morning and the habit of using ginger in cooking or eating raw ginger keeps the digestive system healthy.


Fennel usually acts as a mouthwash. It eliminates the bacteria in the mouth. Fennel contains an antispasmodic agent that relaxes the smooth muscles of our digestive system.

Eating fennel on an empty stomach can cure gastric problems. The fiber in fennel helps prevent constipation and improves our digestion.

Soaking fennel in a glass of water overnight and drinking that water reduces flatulence and abdominal pain caused by gas. Fennel also helps control other stomach problems.


Many of us know that yogurt solves the problem of digestion. Many of us cannot eat milk due to digestive problems but drinking yogurt made from milk (usually by lactic acid bacteria) does not cause problems.

Yogurt helps to digest food easily. It contains bacteria known as probiotics (foods with good bacteria) that live in our digestive system.

These good bacteria can help improve digestion by keeping our stomachs healthy. However, not all yogurt contains probiotics.


Apple is a very tasty and healthy fruit. Apples are a source of pectin, a soluble fiber in pectin. It helps reduce constipation and diarrhea by increasing the amount of stool.


Delicious tropical fruit papaya contains a digestive enzyme called papain. Enzymes break down protein fibers and help in digestion.

Papaya can relieve stomach upset problems such as constipation and flatulence. Due to its gastrointestinal capacity it is commonly used as the main enzyme in digestion.

Exercise and walking:

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve digestion. Exercise helps digest food through our digestive system.

A study of healthy people found that moderate exercises, such as cycling and jogging, increased bowel transit time by about 30%.

Another study of people with chronic constipation found that walking 30 minutes a day improved constipation.

Chew more food:

Many people have a habit of chewing and swallowing food twice. It is very difficult to digest food. This work exacerbates digestive problems. So the more you chew while eating, the better for digestion.

In addition to increasing the digestive power, we need to take some more precautions such as –

  • Cigarettes, alcohol, and eating late at night can cause digestive problems. To improve digestion, try to avoid these harmful habits.
  • Digestive process is better if you eat at the right time every day and follow the same time regularly.