Pomegranate helps to fight prostate cancer and keep the heart healthy
In English, this fruit is called pomegranate. In Hindi it called अनार (anar), in Bengali, it is called dalim (ডালিম). It has a very delicious taste. Pomegranate trees and fruits are used to make various medicines.
It is mainly cultivated in the Mediterranean, USA, Afghanistan, Russia, India, China and Japan. The pomegranate is available all over the year. Following are some health benefits of pomegranate:
Keeps the heart well
Every day we eat fat food in some way. As a result, the fat accumulates in our veins. As a result, the artery slowly becomes thick and strong.
Pomegranate juice rapidly conveys oxygen in the muscles and prevents the artery from being thick and strong. It also has anti-antioxidant that control cholesterol of our blood.
Helps fight prostate cancer
When men become older then they are at risk of prostate cancer. If the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) increases in men, the probability of prostate cancer increases.
This PSA level can not be increased if we eat pomegranate regularly. The fear of cancer infection decreases.
Reduce blood pressure
Punicic Acid is a key component of pomegranate. Which also helps reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride. As a result, blood pressure becomes normal.
Keeps skin healthy and bright
Pomegranate oil works well as a moisturizer. Pomegranate oil prevents bacterial infections. Folic acid, vitamin “C” citric acid also maintains the health of the skin.
Dental care
Pomegranate has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which prevent the preparation of dental plaque. It helps eliminate various infections of the mouth.
Pomegranate must be washed thoroughly in clean water. We can eat it in two ways. Firstly with juice, secondly, with seeds. Pomegranate is rich in Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
The main source of this fiber is pomegranate seeds. Pomegranate is available throughout the year. It is also beneficial for children. We should try to keep pomegranate in our food menu daily to maintain good health.